Hey, where did that month go?
Anyway -- I have a few writing-related appearances coming up in the next couple of months. First is Can-Con, Ottawa's own SF/F convention, which is being held this year from October 3rd to 5th. Here's my (probably) final schedule:
Friday, Oct 3
7PM: Be It Resolved: “StopWriting Novels – Write Short Fiction” - The Live Debate! -- with Geoff Gander and presumably at least one other person.
8PM: How to get traditionally published -- with Max Turner, Matt Moore, Alison Sinclair, and Julie Czerneda.
Saturday, Oct 4
9AM: SFWA Regional meeting
10AM: Reading with Robin Riopelle, author of Deadroads. I'll be reading either "Irregular Verbs" or part of "Public Safety," depending on who's in the audience.
2PM: Fantasy Literature: I Can't Believe You Haven't Read That! with Kathryn Cramer, Peter Halasz, Jo Walton, and Yves Menard. I'm moderating, which relieves me of the pressure to add anything to what these clever and well-read people have to say.
3PM: Space Opera – Its History and Its Place Today with Peter Atwood, Kathryn Cramer, and Alison Sinclair.
5PM: Law and Crime and Punishment in Medieval Times with Ariella Elema, Ranylt Richildis, and Kate Heartfield.
What else? Well, I'm going to be at WFC in Washington DC in November -- no word yet if I'll be doing any programming, but I'll be around -- and I'll also be manning the SFWA table at the inaugural Toronto International Book Fair. The TIBF people have worked with us to set up some great SF/F programming: more details shortly.
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