Monday, August 10, 2009

Quick Worldcon report

I'm taking care of Leo this week (he starts daycare next Monday) so this will have to be short. I had a wonderful time at both the launch of Fall From Earth and Worldcon in general. I was lucky to already know a few people, such as Rob Sawyer and my fellow Bundoran author Hayden Trenholm, both of whom kindly introduced me to many interesting people. My editor and publisher at Bundoran, Virginia O'Dine, put on a display in the dealers' room that pulled out all the stops -- bookmarks and posters made from the terrific cover she commissioned for my book (which now also graces her business card.)

Because this was also part of Leo's world tour I only got my convention pass on Saturday at noon, but I filled almost every remaining hour with programming, from a fascinating session on history and fiction with Connie Willis and Jo Walton on the panel to a radio play in which I was recruited to read a small part. I also got to meet in person a few people I've worked with but only corresponded by e-mail, which gave me a nice opportunity to put names to faces.

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